Optimizing organizations through people and process.
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CX Solutions
Leveraging best-in-class cloud based solutions that easily integrates with your existing systems.
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Advancing your most valuable asset through world class employee development.
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Organizational Optimization
ȯr-gə-nə-ˈzā-sh(ə-)nəl  äp-tə-mə-ˈzā-shən (verb)  An event often attempted but seldom accomplished in public or private organizations.  Only those with superior abilities or tangible ties to an organization named SATRDÉ will ever experience true organizational optimization.

But seriously... we really do have a success formula that is based in our belief that the best approach to sustainable employee/customer retention (ecRET) requires a highly strategic approach to achieving increased employee (eSAT) and customer satisfaction (cSAT) in any organization... including yours.


How it works

We create solutions for both public and private organizations to deliver exceptional employee and customer experiences.


Delivering proven solutions

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First-in-class solutions

SATRDÉ leads the CX and EX industries by utilizing unique and innovative methods for achieving organizational optimization.

Best in class security
Best in class security
Leveraging enterprise-class security and FedRAMP authorized.  Built for federal, state, and local government standards and trusted by over 170,000 organizations including top Fortune 100 and 500 companies.
Reduce response times to minutes that typically would take days and even weeks to respond to with legacy systems.
On one platform, we implement phone, chat, email, text, web forms, social feeds and knowledgebase channels to integrate with any existing platform.
Eliminate Duplication
Eliminate Duplication
Suffering from customers who send in multiple requests?  Our platform allows you to merge mulitple requests into one single request to avoid duplication of effort by your staff.
Increase Productivity
Increase Productivity
Leverage knowledge transfer through a central knowledge base and one-click macros for recurring responses shaving minutes off each reply.
Live Dashboards
Live Dashboards
Dashboards with real-time information can be viewed on any device to keep you informed on how your team is performing.
Flexible Delivery
Flexible Delivery
Training options available to meet your organization's needs: Live (onsite, webinar, hybrid), Online/On-Demand, Daily Micro-Learning.
Culture Creation
Culture Creation
Establish the norms of individual and collective behavior conducive to your organization's vision, mission, and desired identity.
Rapid ROI
Rapid ROI
Implementations within 30 days ensures a quick return on your investment that is reflected in your key performance indicators (KPIs) for cSAT and eSAT scores. 

Trusted Partner

SATRDÉ is an exceptional partner that helped us launch the Zendesk program. They guided us through this process and delivered within the given timeline. SATRDÉ listened to our objectives, was always prompt with follow up, and responded thoughtfully to any questions we had. They made this process seamless and I would recommend the service to anyone who is launching the Zendesk program.
Victoria Young
Training Director
Carter Haston

Trusted Expertise

SATRDE provided expertise in helping us evaluate our Zendesk business rules and workflows in order to maximize Zendesk features via all channels to provide better customer support as the volume of support requests increased 400% when the COVID pandemic began in March 2020. We have a continued partnership with them and will be looking for opportunities to increase customer engagement as we work to get the workforce reemployed in the coming weeks and months.
Lisa Howard
Assistant Commissioner
Tennessee Dept of Labor and Workforce

Excellent Partner

We are extremely fortunate for the introduction to Satrde by Zendesk. Dustin Swayne, from Satrde, has been a tremendous help guiding us through pre-deployment discussions all the way to production implementation. Dustin’s vast knowledge around Zendesk and our line of business have made him an excellent partner and we hope to work with him for years to come.
Thomas and Company
  • 01
    Trusted Partner
  • 02
    Trusted Expertise
  • 03
    Excellent Partner

Want to learn more?

Schedule a 30 minute meeting to learn how SATRDÉ can help you digitally transform your organization's processes in less than 30 days.


Mailing Address:
174 Saundersville Rd
Suite 202
Hendersonville, TN 37075

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